Tuesday, June 3, 2014

WWW BF watch

I saw the watch and decided that I don't need it so I didn't buy it at that time. But after couple of weeks and it was still on my mind, I decided to back to the mall and get myself one.

 I was practicing the money lessons I just recently learned ( live less than your means and the difference between wants and needs) so buying a Php 250 worth of wasn't that easy lol ( I know it's just Php250 but when i was doing the math, stuff like that doesn't cost more than 500 are the reason why card bill shoots up more than I expected). Anyways, going back to this amazing watch.

Its brand name is WWW (I'm honestly not sure what does it stands for, but I know WWW is sort of the women's accessories brand for SM), its strap is made of rubber and aside from the brand, it doesn't say anything else, so I'm pretty sure that its not water resistant or anything like that. It's too cheap for a watch so you shouldn't really be expecting much on the durability features of the watch, but the aesthetic quality is worth more than its price :). It has 3 crowns but only 1 of them is working, like aside the durability functionality of this watch is not it's best asset.The holes in the strap is pretty big for me I have a small wrist, so I had to manually puncture it, but it was just easy as the strap is made of rubber and has jelly like texture. It comes in 2 other color, blue and red. I'm I happy with this watch? YES. I recommend that you buy this watch? YES. I consider this a good deal for the price of Php 250 you get to have a fashionable and elegant looking watch that does its job.

Xoxoxo, iCe

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